Hanging Rock Blog

Introduce ourselves in less ho-hum ways.
Too many of us take a safe and prosaic approach when introducing ourselves. Reporter tips and techniques can boost our presence and help us stand out.

Why I’ve returned to daily journaling (and my audiences notice
Journaling’s a soothing and uplifting routine I’ve returned to, not only for mental health, for creativity and in-depth answers to ad hoc questions, too.

Why Matthew McConaughey’s 2014 Oscar Acceptance Speech Prevails
Ten years later, Matthew McConaughey’s Dallas Buyers Club’s best actor acceptance speech still wins our vote for succinct, meaningful, and memorable ad hoc messaging.

How I Coach Without Taking Notes
I take no notes when I coach and yet always provide takeaways after. A journalistic system I’ve developed helps.

Find Love Not Fear on LinkedIn
Replace your fear of torpedoing your career on LinkedIn with love for experimenting and having fun. You'll find lovely results.

Life Lessons from Coaching
Coaching 3,100+ hours within three years has become a PhD training in presence, confidence - and joy.

The Resurgence of the Written Word
Leaders all over (and the one’s rising the ranks) want to write better. But where and how do we start? A three-part series on improving our written word.

Why We Ought to Say ‘No’
Saying no vs. yes to work that dilutes our performance and creates overwhelm has never felt more vital. Start now, with these tips.

Get Comfy With Delivering Bad News
Delivering bad news up or down the chain can make our knees wobble a bit; but tapping into the brave communicator within always saves the day.

Lead Well by Listening Well
The best way to reduce miscommunications is through active listening. By listening actively vs. inactively, partially, or selectively, we truly understand what others say. This blog offers three reasons for cultivating this delightful skill.

Up Your Business Writing Game. Punctuate.
Help hook and retain your readers. Punctuate your business writing.

Find Joy At Work
If you seek joy at work, start with organizing your professional life. Tips and excerpts from the best business book I’ve read in years: “Joy at Work,” by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein. Photo credit: Unsplash.

Replace Fluff with Substance
Filler words we lean on in conversation can become useless in business writing—and give the wrong impression. Too much filler signals to our readers we’re indirect and devoid of substance. Fix this tricky pattern with Coach Debbi’s five tips.

Four Questions: Bruce Watson
Part two of a two-part interview with Bruce Watson, Managing Editor at JPMorgan Chase, on writing, jargon, and sounding clear and compelling.

Ditch the Jargon. Lessons from the Managing Editor at JPMorgan Chase.
Reading George Orwell as a boy put Bruce Watson, Managing Editor at JPMorgan Chase, onto a path of clear, concise and jargon-free writing. Learn tips on clear communication from a master.

Help Your Audience Feel Heard (vs. Ignored)
To help your audience feel truly listened to, consider incorporating the coach approach. Photo by Sound On and Pexels.

Avoid Sounding Stuffy. Try a Less Stilted Tone.
If you’re finding you alienate your readers/audiences, explore your language choices for clues on your business tone.

Quit Pushing Through Fatigue. Rest instead.
Real folly exists in pushing through fatigue. And when communicating high-stakes messages within the trough of your day, try hard to break first.

Avoid the Trough. How Timing Impacts Our Messages.
We all know timing’s vital for our success. But consider the notion that timing becomes more of a science vs. an art and how timing impacts how we deliver our messages.

Make 2021 the Year For Less Public Speaking Fear (Part II)
Replace fearful with fierce. Make 2021 the year you combat your public speaking fear. Photo credit: Unsplash and Daniil Kuželev.