How can Hanging Rock Coaching help you?
Our Coaching Services
While 74% of Americans fear public speaking over death or a shark attack, you needn’t accept that data. Whether it’s personal development coaching, career (or life) change, or communications coaching, enjoy the first sample coaching 100% free. And with every package, we guarantee your money back if you’re not seeing changes in how you perform (and feel).
For information about Group Coaching and Workshops, click here.
What We Promise
Within five coaching sessions (and provided you put in the work) you’ll:
Understand your patterns and how your audience hears you.
Feel an ease-and-flow vs. dread when you present.
Possess confidence-building strategies and frameworks to directly inform (or persuade) an audience within five minutes, tell a good story, and break down complex ideas.
Know when you’re feeling triggered (and how to rebound, too).
Feel good that your business helps a coachee in need. We offer pro-bono coaching to under-served communities helping make coaching accessible to all communities.
What We Deliver
Coaching and training (fully customized) targeting your pain points. (Group and individual.)
Practicing through BBC-style interviews you can share with your team.
Coaching on the person and the problem and what comes up for you when you present to (or meet with) thorny characters.
Coaching and leadership if you enroll in the Positive Intelligence program (and use the app).
Learning your values—and how to honor them—through exercises and narrative coaching.
About the Positive Intelligence Methodology
As a certifying Positive Intelligence coach and trainer, Debbi shares with clients a tried-and-tested methodology cultivated by book author and Stanford professor Coach Shirzad Chamine. Positive Intelligence’s frameworks help you rebound more quickly from negative emotions our inner Judge and “Saboteurs” generate like fear, disappointment, worry, anger—and frustration. Through a life-changing app, mindfulness, and training, learn how to operate from a place of love, calm, ease and flow through cultivating your inner “Sage power.” You’ll improve how you perform (and feel) within days.
About Narrative Coaching
Learn who you really are—and how to honor that integrity—through co-writing “The Perfect Novel of Your Life.” Explore your life in chapters (five or ten years at a time) looking for the gifts, opportunities, and knowledge you gathered along the way. (Coach Debbi acts as your scribe, interview host, and coach.) Feel peace, knowing, and calm from knowing your values and honoring your heritage today.